2 Ingredient Fudge

By Chopnotch

This has to be the easiest recipe ever! To make this melt-in-the-mouth 2 ingredient fudge you simply need chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk.

2 Ingredient Fudge

Prep Time

5 min


64 pieces

Cook Time




An easy three step recipe!

Boasting a rich chocolate flavor, this tasty fudge is sure to put a smile on everyone's face.


Try mint chips, butterscotch chips, or white chocolate chips if you don't want to use dark chocolate.

Chopnotch Tips

1. Add the sweetened condensed milk and chocolate chips in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave until melted.


2. Pour the mixture into a greased and foil-lined baking dish. Let it set.

3. Once set, cut into small squares to serve.

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