Dirt Cups

By Chopnotch

Quick and easy dirt cups are a fun recipe to make any time of year. All you need are 5 ingredients.

Dirt Cups

Prep Time

10 min


8 cups

Cook Time




An easy four step recipe!

You will be pleased to know you only need 5 ingredients in total to make these Oreo dirt cups!


You can add a second tub of whipped topping to stretch the pudding mixture further and a spoonful of cocoa powder.

Chopnotch Tips

1. Put the milk in a bowl. Sprinkle the pudding mix on top. Whisk well then let it thicken for a few minutes.


2. Fold in the whipped topping. Divide the mixture between 8 serving cups. Crush the Oreos.

3. Sprinkle the Oreo crumbs into each cup. Add gummy worms. Keep in refrigerator until served.

Ready To Make This?


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