Strawberry Danish

By Chopnotch

Served warm from the oven these are perfect for breakfast or brunch and every bit as wonderful as Danishes fresh from the bakery.

Strawberry Danish

Prep Time

30 min


12 Danishes

Cook Time

25 min



An easy eight step recipe!

With only 6 ingredients you can make the most delicious strawberry Danish recipe.


As soon as the edges are golden, the pastries are done, so don’t cook them beyond this point.

Chopnotch Tips

1. Boil strawberries, sugar, and vanilla. Let simmer for 30 min. Let cool.


2. Mix cream cheese, sugar, vanilla. Cut pastry into strips. Twist, flatten, and score.

3. Add cream cheese and strawberry mixtures to each pastry crust. Brush with egg wash. Bake until golden.

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