Suet Pudding

By Chopnotch

Suet pudding is an old-fashioned British dessert that uses beef or lamb fat instead of oil or butter.

Suet Pudding

Prep Time

15 min


8 bowls

Cook Time

2 hours



An easy seven step recipe!

There are savory recipes for suet pudding, but this one uses sweet ingredients like vanilla, molasses, and raisins, making it ideal for dessert.


If you can’t find suet in your local butcher or grocery store, check online or in specialty British food markets.

Chopnotch Tips

1. Mix buttermilk, molasses, vanilla, and suet. Combine the dry ingredients in another bowl. Stir both together. Add in the raisins.


2. Pour into a cake pan. Cover with foil. Steam over boiling water.

3. Mix milk, sugar, and cornstarch in a pan. Warm it up. Divide the pudding between bowls and pour the sauce on top.

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